Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Fondling the Zeitgeist

Here is a conversation that I had with my co-worker Jonathan during a break at the Vancouver Passport Office:

"Hey Jonathan, how was your weekend"
"Oh, fine... I helped my friend Orion recover from her augmentation"
"Augmented? Is that the new way to say 'you're fired'?"
"No... she had a boob job. She's fine, but it's going to cramp her style when she does pole dancing.
"You mean she's a stripper?"
"No.. She does it for exercise.... she takes classes at that new pole dancing aerobics studio on Davie St. It's great for your abs... Orion used to be able to do sit ups on the pole... but now, with the added weight....."
"Of course...Well you know burlesque is making a huge comeback... I was listening to this piece on Out Front CBC radio about a woman who started doing the burlesque circuit to get in touch with her sexuality. It was basically about her challenge of "coming out" as a burlesque dancer to her 5 year old daughter."
"Yeah.... if I hadn't had to take care of Orion, I would have gone to this burlesque comic book convention."
"You mean...comic books about burlesque artists?"
"No... it was basically women dressing up as comic book characters and stripping to funky beats.. "
"Oh yeah....Well I hope your friend feels better soon."
"Me too.. she asked me and my girlfriend Brandy to take her bra shopping. We're going to Park Royal Mall because I don't have to pay taxes there, and they have a kickass La Senza." *

* In addition to being a connoisseur of burlesque, Jonathan is also a hereditary chief from Bella Coola, and Park Royal Mall is on land which belongs to the Musqeam Band...

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