Friday, January 04, 2008

Vanity Fair

They say that January is the busiest month for gyms. Of course, I have no statistical evidence to back this up, but I can venture to say that I speak correctly based on my first hand experiences at the West End Community Fitness Centre these last few days. The sight of legions of flabbily fearsome Vancouverites gyrating wildly to remove all bodily evidence of holiday gluttonies is something to behold before dying - if only for the comic relief. I say that it is a sight because when I went there, I took one look at the exercise room yesterday and promptly returned home... there were no machines to be had, and I did not feel like waiting.

However, I fear that I will have to return sooner than later, as I went for a costume fitting the other day for the upcoming opera, and I discovered (to my horror) that I will be dressed in harem pants AND NOTHING ELSE. The opera is called "The Italian Girl in Algiers" and is almost comically outdated, sexist, racist and out of touch with the realities of the 21st century. That is to say, it is typical of the genre.
Much of the opera takes place in a spa, where a chorus of eunuchs dressed as slave girls laments the fate of women... Interspersed among them are male "customers" who need attending (that would be me). I would have felt much more comfortable being a slave girl - I wouldn't really have to act, and the costume drapes so much better. But, I feel that playing a man will be more of an acting challenge and will therefore expand my range as an artist. It will also motivate me to stick to my embryonic fitness regime.

Failing that, I can just ask the makeup department to add a bit of contouring...
After all, as my brother (who is far more fit than I am ) says "Jews just don't have 6 packs".


Anonymous said...

I beg to differ; Jews indeed have packs.
When I was your age I had a pack of smokes, a pack of gum, a six pack of been and an al packa sweater; that made nine packs. Six pack....pheh!

Anonymous said...

That was a six pack of beer not been.
Then again, my mother thought my friends and I were a pack of wolves....that a 10 pack.

Anonymous said...

six pack of been . . . six pack of ben . . .
been there
ben here
you need smarter respondents

Anonymous said...

wanting more

Anonymous said...

WTF!! Equity should have to pay your gym membership. Nicht fair.