Thursday, June 07, 2007

Wednesday's child is full of.....

There comes a time when one wants to shed one's puppy fat and be lithe and lean like a jungle cat - ready to pounce; sinewy and dangerous. Of course, there are some who are more predisposed to such a state than I, but I am careful what I ask for and have decided that I am meant to be built like a tank and perhaps it is better to just go on steadily and run things over if need be.

That being said, I have decided to make economies for the benefit of my pocket book and figure. I know that I will never look good in a Speedo (so few do), but maybe some day I shall be able to see my toes while standing upright. It is good to see where one is rooted - if only for the peace of mind it brings.

My first measure was to forgo my monthly bus pass: If I walk everywhere, I will become fit. However, it was raining this morning and my umbrella broke...and I can always walk to work tomorrow. Having no bus pass and no change, I took a cab. Strike one.

My second measure was to give up my morning coffee. Coffee disagrees with my stomach, and I put far too much cream and sugar in it ( I dare not tell you how much - suffice it to say that it is rather like melted coffee ice cream).... So, I didn't make coffee today and felt very virtuous -- until I started work at 7 AM and a woman started screaming at me because her passport wasn't ready. Realization: There are some things that just cannot be borne without caffeine. Strike two.

Then I thought that I should eat more sensibly. Always a good idea. The body is a temple, and my body feels like a debauched shrine to Bacchus after the weekend I had. So last night I made brown rice and decided to have it for dinner with some vegetables. But then I came home to find that my roommate had bought scallops,
and there is this recipe for Coquilles St. Jacques that I have always wanted to try (now mix the butter and reduced cooking juices with a goodly amount of heavy cream
and two egg yolks...)! Strike 3. Strike 3 way out in left field...strike 3 "I missed the ball and it went over the stadium wall and is rolling in a gutter somewhere 5 miles away."

I can always have brown rice tomorrow. Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow.
And the sun will NOT come out tomorrow, because I live in Vancouver, where there is a moratorium on the sun because it causes global warming (if this is not true, I am sure there is someone in the deeper recesses of Patchoulia who has thought it should be)...

Sigh. I think there are some more scallops in the fridge.


queenofuniverse said...

I have been ready to pounce all my life
that being said
(what a lovely phrase)
the tank comes also with eyebrows that run straight across, an unrelieved furball which distinguished your great great aunts - this
further genetic link you've avoided

tanks be to you know who

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Anyone who can fit into a pair of MM's pajama pants does not need to worry about their figure, so go ahead and have another scallop!

Anonymous said...

You can't eat left over fridge scallops here in Fiji, or you get worms and suffer some kind of hideous gastro-intenstinal agony which puts you off of sea food for ever. Apparently.
Hi Ben! How's life? Keep writing. It is your destiny.

Anonymous said...

Hello hobbit!

How can you both strike out and hit a ball over the fence in left field?

Gay men really should think twice before resorting to sports analogies.

Hope you're well! Drop me a line and let me know what's up.