Saturday, September 01, 2007

All the difference

I believe it was Euripides who said that the wisest among us chooses his own path.
Now, lest you think I am profound or something, I should tell you that I read this quote on a fridge magnet. But I should also tell you that I am rather egalitarian when it comes to the acquisition of wisdom, and I don't believe that the sentiment would have been any more profound if I had read it from a dusty tome in a silent room far away.... Rather, I read it in the kitchen of a dear friend who had recently moved down the street. I remember that when I was reading it, I was laughing about something, and I was happy.

To be happy! And to laugh....and to do them both at the same time! - It was rather like rubbing your stomach and tapping your head concurrently: Very difficult to coordinate but rather amusing once achieved - something you just had to run to the mirror and see.

But there was no mirror, so I just smiled to myself and continued chopping garlic - content in the knowledge that I was surrounded by people who loved me very much, and whom I loved in return.

To love! And to be loved in return... at the same time....Very difficult to coordinate but amusing once achieved.

- Something you just have to see.

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