Monday, February 01, 2010


Words on a page,

artfully placed...

What separates a poem from a shopping list?

Bread, milk,

A Grecian urn

What is this alchemy?

It is terrifying to seize a vision!

To say: “this is mine…

how I see things.”

Words on a page

can’t be taken back.

And to paint a picture in verse!

…snippets of music, etched into silence…


Yet madness too begins as a shopping list,

quickly turns to something else.

Is this magic?

Words on a page

Silent snippets of music…

All have value

because I have placed them there.

In this comes the courage

to say that which cannot be taken back

Which is in and of itself

A vision

artfully placed:

How I see things.


Anonymous said...

the sighs that filled your silence far too long -
be heared.
the music that has played within you all this time -
be played.

let's build a bridge to those illustrious shores
where visions seized are cast into the form of words.

words that uttered even in a hasty breath
cannot be taken back
and roam forever, free and sovereignly,
throughout the kingdom of our haunting memories.

only the pen can cure our ailing hearts
for it is words that cause the greatest harm
and only words that bring the world to life again
and heal the wounds inflicted by those poisenous sounds.

and thus, no grecian urns, no shopping lists
nor even alchemy
may cloud the essence of what must be voiced
to give a body to your inner self.

the madness of a life that's lived
the wonders of a rabbits' hole
and of a city blessed not to be
but to become:

therein the magic of the current lies
that begs of us not to discard it as some Alltagsding
but to pay homage to its beauty and its quiet might.

ben, you're blessed with eyes that see.
wide open gaze upon this barren landscape,
where mazed we are and lost in self inflicted misery,
and raise your pen and tell it how you see it.


KKP said...

when you wrote one does not visit paris, one remembers paris - I just sat down twice and howled