Wednesday, November 21, 2007



Between the lines is a narrow space with openings.
Between the spaces are narrow lines which are openings.
Between the words there are spaces that are not openings but are between openings which lead to opening.
Between the letters are spaces which must end because we choose to do that.
Between the heart and the head there is space.
Between two hearts there is space and opening.
Between space and opening there is the heart.
Between the heart and opening there is space which is not empty.


Not empty is not full.
Not full is empty and also not empty
Empty can be quite full
which can also be empty.


Also can, also ran.
Also could, also would.
Also much also soon
also muddling, also moon.

1 comment:

dAdsenior said...

You've gone to the dark side you poor soul.
Steinaway and parish in obscurity.
